武汉纺织大学生物工程与健康学院教授,博士生导师。中国物理学会光散射专业委员会副秘书长,湖北省化学化工学会谱学专业委员会秘书长,中国分析测试协会第七届青年学术委员会委员,第一届中国光学工程学会光谱技术及应用专业委员会委员。2006年7月毕业于武汉大学化学与分子科学学院分析化学专业,获博士学位(导师:胡继明教授)。毕业后留校任教并连续3年赴德国不来梅Jacobs大学和韩国全南国立大学开展国际合作研究。2008年12月晋升为副教授,2010年被遴选为博士生导师。2011年6月至2012年6月获德国DAAD-王宽诚博士后奖学金,在德国蒂宾根大学从事针尖增强拉曼光谱的合作研究(合作导师:Prof. Alfred J. Meixner)。2016年12月晋升为教授,2023年1月以学科带头人引进武汉纺织大学工作,组建“分子指纹与生物医学实验室”。主要从事面向生命健康、环境和食品安全的生化传感、多光谱成像和仪器研制以及文物科技考古等领域的研究工作。先后主持1项国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项子项目,5项国家自然科学基金项目,1项中石油科技创新项目和2项国家重点实验室开放基金项目;参与1项国家自然科学基金仪器专项重点项目和1项国家重大研究计划培育项目。迄今已在Journal of the American Chemical Society,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,Advanced Functional Materials,Analytical Chemistry和Chemical Communications等杂志上发表SCI论文100余篇,他引2800余次,H因子35。申请发明专利4项(其中3项已授权),参与编写英文教材《Principles and Clinical Diagnosis Application of Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy》1部,受邀在国际和国内学术会议上作特邀报告20余次。
1.Wei Zhu, Er-Li Cai, Hao-Zheng Li, Ping Wang, Ai-Guo Shen, Juergen Popp, Ji-Ming Hu, Precise encoding of triple-bond Raman scattering of single polymer nanoparticles for multiplexed imaging application,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2021, 60, 21846-21852.
2. Yi Zeng, Jia-Qiang Ren, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Splicing nanoparticles-based ‘Click’ SERS could aid multiplex liquid biopsy and accurate cellular imaging,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2018, 140, 10649-10652.
3. Jun Cao, Qing Sun, Ai-Guo Shen, Bing Fan, Ji-Ming Hu, Nano Au@Cu2-xS with near-infrared photothermal and peroxidase catalytic activities redefines efficient antibiofilm-oriented root canal therapy,Chemical Engineering Journal,2021, 422, 130090.
4. Wei Zhu, Chun-Yang Wang, Ji-Ming Hu, Ai-Guo Shen, Promoted "Click" SERSdetection for precise intracellular imaging of caspase-3,Analytical Chemistry,2021, 93, 4876-4883.
5. Wei Fang, Biao Zhang, Fang-Yuan Han, Zhang-Na Qin, Yu-Qi Feng, Ji-Ming Hu, and Ai-Guo Shen, On-site and quantitative detection of trace methamphetamine in urine/serum samples with a surface-enhanced Raman scattering-active microcavity and rapid pretreatment device,Analytical Chemistry,2020, 92, 13539-13549.
6. Wei Zhu, Meng-Yue Gao, Qing Zhu, Bin Chi, Ling-Wen Zeng, Ji-Ming Hu, Ai-Guo Shen, Monodispersed plasmonic prussian blue nanoparticles for zero-background SERS/MRI-guided phototherapy,Nanoscale,2020, 12, 3292-3301.
7. Yi Zeng, Kevin M. Koo, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Matt Trau, Nucleic acid hybridization-based noise suppression for ultraselective multiplexed amplification of mutant variants,Small,2021, 17, 2006370.
8. Meng-yue Gao, Qiao Chen, Wei Li, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Combined surface-enhanced Raman scattering emissions for high-throughput optical labels on micrometer-scale objects,Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91, 21, 13866-13873.
9. Yi Zeng, Kevin M. Koo, Matt Trau, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Watching SERS glow for multiplex biomolecular analysis in the clinic: A review,Applied Materials Today,2019, 15, 431-444.
10. Xiang-Ru Bai, Li-Hua Wang, Jia-Qiang Ren, Xiang-Wei Bai, Ling-Wen Zeng, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Accurate clinical diagnosis of liver cancer based on simultaneous detection of ternary specific antigens by magnetic induced mixing surface-enhanced Raman scattering emissions,Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91, 2955-2963.
11. Qian Lv, Huan Min, Dong-Ban Duan, Wei Fang, Gui-Ming Pan, Ai-Guo Shen, Qu-Quan Wang, Guang-Jun Nie, Ji-Ming Hu, Total aqueous synthesis of Au@Cu2-xS core-shell nanoparticles for in vitro and in vivo SERS/PA imaging-guided photothermal cancer therapy,Advanced Healthcare Materials,2019, 8 (2), 1801257.
12. Qian Lv, Meng-Yue Gao, Zi-He Cheng, Qiao Chen, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Rational synthesis of hollow cubic CuS@Spiky Au core-shell nanoparticles for enhanced photothermal and SERS effects,Chemical Communications,2018, 54, 13399-13402.
13. Jun-Rong Li, Guan-Nan Zhang, Jing Wang, Ivan S. Maksymov, Andrew D. Greentree, Ji-Ming Hu, Ai-Guo Shen, Yu-Ling Wang, Matt Trau, Facile one-pot synthesis of nanodot-decorated gold-silver alloy nanoboxes for single-particle surface-enhanced Raman scattering activity,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018, 10, 32526-32535.
14. Xiang-Ru Bai, Yi Zeng, Xiao-Dong Zhou, Xiao-Hua Wang, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Environmentally safe mercury (II) ions aided zero-background and ultrasensitive SERS detection of dipicolinic acid,Analytical Chemistry,2017, 89, 10335-10342.
15. Yong Chen, Jia-Qiang Ren, Xia-Guang Zhang, De-Yin Wu, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Alkyne-modulated surface-enhanced Raman scattering-palette for optical interference-free and multiplex cellular imaging,Analytical Chemistry,2016, 88, 6115-6119.
16. Wei Fang, Xin-Wei Zhang, Yong Chen, Liang Wan, Wei-Hua Huang, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, Portable SERS-enabled micropipettes for microarea sampling and reliably quantitative detection of surface organic residues,Analytical Chemistry,2015, 87, 9217-9224.
17. Yi Zeng, Jin-Ju Pei, Li-Hua Wang, Ai-Guo Shen, Ji-Ming Hu, A sensitive sequential "on/off" SERS assay for heparin with wider detection window and higher reliability based on the reversed surface charge changes of functionalized Au@Ag nanoparticles,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2015, 66, 55-61.
18. Ai-Guo Shen, Li-Fang Chen, Wei Xie, Jun-Cheng Hu, Ao Zeng, Ryan M Richards, Ji-Ming Hu, Triplex Au-Ag-C core-shell nanoparticles as a novel Raman label,Advanced Functional Materials,2010, 20, 969-975.